Submitted by: Efe M
Departure Airport: Kansai Intl (RJBB)
Arrival Airport: Istanbul Airport (LTFM)
Aircraft: B777-300(ER) (TC-LHG)
Date Submitted: 01/17/2021
Flight Time: 12.31
Distance Flown: 4728 nm
Landing Rate: -327 fpm
Status: Accepted
Gross Revenue:
(320 load / $ 2,000.00 per unit)
$ 640,000.00
Fuel Cost:
104254 fuel used @ 1.59 / unit)
$ 165,763.86
Pilot Pay: $ -250
Ground Handling: $ -1000
Technical Expenses: $ -200
AFTN Expenses: %2 of total.
Total Revenue: $ 431446


smartCARS version, 2021/1/17 UTC
[22:29:07] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM
[22:29:07] Flying PMDG 777-3F2ER Air Anatolia TC-LHG
[22:33:09] Pushing back with 129994 kg of fuel
[22:33:44] Engine 2 is on
[22:34:38] Engine 1 is on
[22:34:52] Flaps set to position 1
[22:35:04] Flaps set to position 2
[22:35:14] Flaps set to position 3
[22:35:58] Taxiing to runway
[22:39:31] Taking off
[22:40:01] Climbing, pitch: 10, roll: 4 degrees left, 196 kts
[22:40:05] Gear lever raised at 97 ft at 197 kts
[22:40:48] Flaps set to position 2 at 2626 ft at 206 kts
[22:41:22] Flaps set to position 1 at 3185 ft at 237 kts
[22:41:33] Flaps set to position 0 at 3364 ft at 251 kts
[22:41:40] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[22:44:14] Speed corrected at 9967 ft after a max speed of 263 kts
[02:28:11] Sim paused
[02:28:19] Sim unpaused
[07:12:08] Cruising at 36000ft, pitch: 3, 400 kts
[10:27:06] Sim paused
[10:27:28] Sim unpaused
[11:00:27] Descending
[11:07:51] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:11:10] Touched down early at -1942 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:11:10] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:11:11] Speed corrected at 474 ft after a max speed of 302 kts
[11:11:14] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1813 fpm
[11:11:20] Landed in 2183 ft, fuel: 25803 kg, weight: 231786 kg
[11:11:20] Taxiing to gate
[11:11:24] Aircraft airborne
[11:11:25] Touched down early at -1291 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:11:25] On the ground 41 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:11:26] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1166 fpm
[11:11:27] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1579 fpm
[11:11:28] Landed in 247 ft, fuel: 25796 kg, weight: 231779 kg
[11:11:28] Taxiing to gate
[11:11:28] Aircraft airborne
[11:11:28] Touched down early at -3230 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:11:28] On the ground 41 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:11:29] Landed in 4 ft, fuel: 25795 kg, weight: 231779 kg
[11:11:29] Taxiing to gate
[11:11:29] Aircraft airborne
[11:11:29] Touched down early at -4132 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:11:29] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:11:32] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1541 fpm
[11:11:39] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1447 fpm
[11:11:43] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -2177 fpm
[11:11:46] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -689 fpm
[11:11:53] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1567 fpm
[11:11:55] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -2836 fpm
[11:12:03] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at 61 fpm
[11:12:03] Landed in 2788 ft, fuel: 25776 kg, weight: 231759 kg
[11:12:03] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:03] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:04] Touched down early at -295 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:05] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:09] Landed in 229 ft, fuel: 25774 kg, weight: 231757 kg
[11:12:09] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:09] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:09] Touched down early at -2327 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:09] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:09] Landed in 6 ft, fuel: 25773 kg, weight: 231757 kg
[11:12:10] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:12] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:12] Touched down early at -696 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:13] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:14] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1563 fpm
[11:12:15] Landed in 149 ft, fuel: 25770 kg, weight: 231754 kg
[11:12:15] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:15] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:15] Touched down early at -3166 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:15] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:15] Landed in 5 ft, fuel: 25770 kg, weight: 231753 kg
[11:12:15] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:16] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:17] Touched down early at -2693 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:17] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:18] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -923 fpm
[11:12:20] Landed in 211 ft, fuel: 25768 kg, weight: 231751 kg
[11:12:20] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:21] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:22] Touched down early at -1101 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:22] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:23] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -577 fpm
[11:12:25] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -444 fpm
[11:12:26] Landed in 281 ft, fuel: 25764 kg, weight: 231747 kg
[11:12:27] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:28] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:29] Touched down early at -2227 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:29] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:30] Landed in 51 ft, fuel: 25762 kg, weight: 231745 kg
[11:12:30] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:34] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:34] Touched down early at -1919 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:34] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:35] Landed in 6 ft, fuel: 25759 kg, weight: 231743 kg
[11:12:35] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:40] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:41] Touched down early at -1649 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:41] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:41] Landed in 7 ft, fuel: 25756 kg, weight: 231740 kg
[11:12:41] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:41] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:43] Touched down early at -3027 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:43] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:43] Landed in 3 ft, fuel: 25755 kg, weight: 231739 kg
[11:12:43] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:44] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:44] Touched down early at -3845 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:44] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:44] Landed in 2 ft, fuel: 25754 kg, weight: 231739 kg
[11:12:44] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:44] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:44] Touched down early at -3972 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:45] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:45] Landed in 2 ft, fuel: 25754 kg, weight: 231738 kg
[11:12:45] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:45] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:45] Touched down early at -4098 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:45] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:45] Landed in 2 ft, fuel: 25754 kg, weight: 231737 kg
[11:12:45] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:45] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:46] Touched down early at -4242 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:46] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:46] Landed in 2 ft, fuel: 25754 kg, weight: 231737 kg
[11:12:46] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:47] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:47] Touched down early at -2992 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:47] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:48] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1403 fpm
[11:12:49] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1666 fpm
[11:12:50] Landed in 197 ft, fuel: 25751 kg, weight: 231736 kg
[11:12:50] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:54] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:54] Touched down early at -1659 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:54] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:54] Landed in 4 ft, fuel: 25749 kg, weight: 231732 kg
[11:12:54] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:55] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:55] Touched down early at -2015 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:55] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:55] Landed in 5 ft, fuel: 25748 kg, weight: 231732 kg
[11:12:55] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:55] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:56] Touched down early at -2399 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:56] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:56] Landed in 3 ft, fuel: 25748 kg, weight: 231732 kg
[11:12:56] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:56] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:57] Touched down early at -2811 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:57] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:12:57] Landed in 1 ft, fuel: 25748 kg, weight: 231731 kg
[11:12:57] Taxiing to gate
[11:12:58] Aircraft airborne
[11:12:58] Touched down early at -2846 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:12:58] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:00] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -1027 fpm
[11:13:00] Landed in 119 ft, fuel: 25746 kg, weight: 231730 kg
[11:13:00] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:00] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:01] Touched down early at 623 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:01] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:01] Landed in 3 ft, fuel: 25746 kg, weight: 231729 kg
[11:13:01] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:01] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:01] Touched down early at 1306 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:01] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:01] Landed in 2 ft, fuel: 25745 kg, weight: 231728 kg
[11:13:01] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:01] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:03] Touched down early at -465 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:04] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:04] Landed in 1 ft, fuel: 25744 kg, weight: 231727 kg
[11:13:04] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:04] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:04] Touched down early at -1895 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:05] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:05] Landed in 0 ft, fuel: 25744 kg, weight: 231727 kg
[11:13:05] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:05] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:05] Touched down early at -2603 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:05] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:05] Landed in 0 ft, fuel: 25744 kg, weight: 231727 kg
[11:13:05] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:05] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:08] Touched down early at -4055 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:08] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:08] Landed in 2 ft, fuel: 25742 kg, weight: 231726 kg
[11:13:08] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:09] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:10] Touched down early at -4614 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:10] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:10] Landed in 17 ft, fuel: 25741 kg, weight: 231725 kg
[11:13:10] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:11] Aircraft airborne
[11:13:12] Touched down early at -4327 fpm, gear level: up, flaps: 0
[11:13:12] Gear lever lowered
[11:13:12] Slew mode entered
[11:13:12] On the ground 42 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[11:13:12] Landed in 0 ft, fuel: 25739 kg, weight: 231723 kg
[11:13:12] Taxiing to gate
[11:13:12] Slew mode left
[11:13:12] The flight may now be ended
[11:13:12] Arrived, flight duration: 12:31
[11:13:24] Slew mode entered
[11:13:24] Slew mode left
[11:13:24] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:13:25] Gear lever raised
[11:13:25] Speed corrected at 304 ft after a max speed of 267 kts
[11:13:25] Stalling
[11:13:26] Stall recovered after a minimum speed of 90 kts
[11:13:28] Gear lever lowered
[11:13:29] Slew mode entered
[11:13:29] Slew mode left
[11:13:31] Slew mode entered
[11:13:31] Slew mode left
[11:13:31] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:13:31] Gear lever raised at 38 ft at 268 kts
[11:13:34] Slew mode entered
[11:13:34] Slew mode left
[11:13:35] Speed corrected at 415 ft after a max speed of 2110 kts
[11:15:31] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:15:32] Speed corrected at 2394 ft after a max speed of 261 kts
[11:15:32] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:15:48] Speed corrected at 3166 ft after a max speed of 266 kts
[11:16:15] Simulation rate set to 8X
[11:16:38] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:16:43] Simulation rate set to normal
[11:16:48] Gear lever lowered at 6310 ft at 276 kts
[11:17:06] Flaps set to position 1 at 6281 ft at 265 kts
[11:17:14] Speed corrected at 6368 ft after a max speed of 284 kts
[11:17:14] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL
[11:17:15] Speed corrected at 6347 ft after a max speed of 256 kts
[11:17:18] Flaps set to position 2 at 6113 ft at 249 kts
[11:17:40] Flaps set to position 3 at 5541 ft at 230 kts
[11:18:08] Simulation rate set to 8X
[11:18:31] Simulation rate set to normal
[11:19:24] Simulation rate set to 8X
[11:19:26] Simulation rate set to normal
[11:20:18] Flaps set to position 4 at 2470 ft at 177 kts
[11:20:29] Flaps set to position 5 at 2060 ft at 163 kts
[11:20:37] Flaps set to position 6 at 2137 ft at 158 kts
[11:25:30] Engine 1 is off
[11:25:32] Engine 2 is off

Route Map



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Callsign : Anatolia
Pilots : 69
Aircrafts : 281
Flights Flown : 12560
Total Hours : 40458.37
Miles Flown : 16739941
Passengers : 16517881
Av. Landing Rate : -186.44 fpm