Submitted by: | Deniz Işıklar |
Departure Airport: | Izmir Adnan Menderes (LTBJ) |
Arrival Airport: | Istanbul Airport (LTFM) |
Aircraft: | A321-251N (TC-GRP) |
Date Submitted: | 02/04/2024 |
Flight Time: | 1 |
Distance Flown: | 193 nm |
Landing Rate: | 0 fpm |
Status: | Accepted |
Gross Revenue:
(157 load / $ 65.00 per unit) |
$ 10,205.00 |
Fuel Cost:
3 fuel used @ 1.0617 / unit) |
$ 3.19 |
Pilot Pay: | $ -200 |
Ground Handling: | $ -1000 |
Technical Expenses: | $ -200 |
AFTN Expenses: | %2 of total. |
Total Revenue: | $ 6991.42 |
Deniz Işıklar | It was a good flight. Just we forgot to start flight from smartcars |
ICAO Code | : NTL |
Callsign | : Anatolia |
Pilots | : 69 |
Aircrafts | : 281 |
Flights Flown | : 12560 |
Total Hours | : 40458.37 |
Miles Flown | : 16739941 |
Passengers | : 16517881 |
Av. Landing Rate | : -186.44 fpm |